Yum yum, instant burger, it's not bad, so long as it's hot - Picked it up on the way back from a client site, microwave for 45 seconds and instant lunch...
What's going on today, I have 6+ projects on my desk, the manager for one of which is currently sick and hoping to be able to come out this evening, I have a speaking engagement at 6:30 on one side of the city and I need to be back on the other side of the city at 9...Preferably a little before that - sheesh how do I get myself into these things.
That said, the presentation is for the 1st Manitoba Deaf Scout Group - We're trying to form up a new section of cubs for the kids that are not resident at the school - and maybe a Venturer company as well. The challenges are of course communication, I seem to have a great number of volunteers, some of which even have some field experience (yea) they are all young and they all sign. We're going to need equipment and support staff coming up but we'll see how many parents come out to support us.
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