Tuesday, June 14, 2005

B-8 and Holding...

Waiting isn't my strong suit - I can usually occupy my time with something else but waiting for New Being to appear is getting a little much. S. is in occasional pain and frequent discomfort - that I can do little about, other than massage and cups of tea. The nursery is ready, with all the furniture put together. I've even pre-washed all of the clothing that we had for him (and yes it's a him) and organized the various 'bins' that we have on the shelves.

Now we're just on-hold waiting to go ahead. Sorry no pearls of wisdom, no great predictions just a hope that this process will 'get on with it already'. (due warning - a bored Evan is a dangerous Evan - who knows what project I might become interested in - furnace cleaning - roof fixing (in the rain etc. )

B-8 and counting, guidance is internal...



Carole said...

Sounds like you should be the one doing the breathing exercises. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hope everything went OK.