Friday, June 09, 2006

IE 7 Review

Thought I’d post some notes on the IE 7 Beta that I’ve been using at home on my desktop machine recently.

IE has always been a little behind the curve compared to other browsers, their power has always been in the fact that it’s ‘EVERYWHERE’. Now they are trying to catch up. IE 7 adds tabbed browsing, a cleaner user interface and improved security.
They get some things right, the improved security seems to be better at catching pop ups etc. than before and in general the tabbed browsing works as it should. They do have major problems (so far) with the rendering engine, page scales are off and it doesn’t handle outlook web access or MSDN Help text pages properly yet. It’s worth trying out but I really hope there will be a 3rd beta before the release version. If you want to try it out hit

Take Care,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welcome to the MHA! I liked the tabbed browsing with the IE 7. But you are right they do need to do some more work on it!
Testerswife/Sally/ fellow MHA.